Discover a new way to keep gas customers safe: Launching EasyAssist
- Tue 24 - Thu 26 Nov 2020
- Online

In an uncontrolled gas situation, every second counts. Precious time can be wasted when customers don’t know how to disconnect their gas supply, or when they lack the strength or ability to do so.
OPD is proud to launch EasyAssist® - a unique solution designed in partnership with Cadent specifically for higher risk (PSR) customers. EasyAssist® can be fitted to most ball-valve ECVs in minutes and disconnects the gas supply with the touch of a button. It offers security and peace of mind to those who may need additional help, and to those that care for them.
We look forward to sharing this exciting innovation at Utility Week Live's new online event which takes place 24-26 November and will bring together the UK’s energy, gas and water industries.
Cadent will be providing EasyAssist® to their PSR customers beginning in 2021. We are keen to maximise the reach and impact of this innovative new technology by working with other gas distribution networks across the globe.
Interested in finding out more? Get in touch

EasyAssist wins energy innovation award for customer focus